Monday, February 25, 2008

A first

Well, I have a myspace page, a facebook profile and heck...why not a blog as well? I don't really feel like my life is all that interesting but look at it more of a online journal. I enjoy looking at my friends blogs and figure if anyone gets bored enough, they can look at my profile (currently I'm bored at work).
p.s. if you know me, then you know I can't spell and have poor grammar so if something is wrong on my page and it bothers you-let me know and I'll fix it, otherwise, it is what it is:).


Tammy said...

I didn't mean to make it seem like you had prejudices, but it did sound that way when I re-read it.

I am sorry.

You were just an example that I used, there have been several people at work that have made comments (especially Cindi and Emily) because they haven't been abroad and don't really know any facts about Argentina, but have formed opinions based on movies or stories.

I just mean to say that people automatically assume that people from other countries had it rough or were poor. It reminds me of talking about Africa and people automatically think of dirt, grass huts, flies on babies...that's just not the way it is.

Argentina is a rich country. 97% of their population is made up of white people, America is only 80% white. People automatically assume that everyone in Argentina has dark skin and dark hair.

It is just ignorance, but only because in America we are taught those things.

I totally believe your sincerity and I know you didn't mean anything by it.

I am going to change it so it reflect what I really meant.

tim said...

Welcome to the blogosphere. Should be fun checking in on your crazy misadventures.