Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Health South-a.k.a. my new sugar daddy.

Alright, so I started another job on Monday at Health South in Sandy doing respiratory therapy; I think it's going to work out pretty sweet (even though it's a commute from Provo). Monday was lame because I had seven hours of sitting in orientation learning about how diversity isn't an old wooden ship used during the civil war, as I had previously thought-LAME! On the bright side, I got paid well to absorb all the crap they had to say in order to keep me from becoming a future liability. Today, I actually got to work-which basically consisted of me checking oxygen saturation's and documenting it with a few breathing treatments. Everything is done on paper-which is seriously old school. It makes me laugh that I get paid over double what I currently make, to check oxygen sats. I'm only working per diem, so it won't be consistent, but it's nice to finally reap the rewards of working hard in school. I still want to get a job at a hospital when I graduate so I can use more of the skills I have learned-blood gasses, intubation, ventilators, infants etc., but for the time being-it's perfect. Next week is going to be insane. I'll be at HS for 36 hours, SecurityMetrics (my other job) at least 8 hours, clinical at IHC 12 hours and school on Friday from 7:00 to 2 (luckily my 3:30-5:30 class is canceled). That's 56 hours of work plus school. Also, I'm missing class this Friday because my brother is coming into town, so I have to make up a pretty big test. Can I just say Oi!' I don't think all my weeks will be as crazy-at least I hope not. I will say though, the more you have to do-the more you get done. It makes sense but seriously, you budget your time better when you don't have a lot of it. Anyways, this weekend should bring pictures of the cutest kids around-stay tuned.


Dan n Ash said...

HOLY CRAP! Do you want me to stop by health south and bring you some energy drinks or something? Have fun with your long hours... I'll be thinkin of you when I'm uh playing with my kid ;)

Dan n Ash said...

PS who is Wayne Thomas???

abbylucienne said...

Naa, I don't drink energy drinks-yuck. You can stop by:)though; I don't know how much fun you'd have but I'd love visiters (patients get them all the time). Wayne Thomas was brazillian, no chinese or something weird like that. Anyway, we made out in a K-mart bathroom for hours and then parted ways never to see each other again. C'mon Ash-I think you know who he is.

Brad and Tiffany said...

Hi Abby! I'm excited that you have a blog now. It will be so much fun to see how you are doing. Congratulations on the new job!!

Dan n Ash said...

I DO know who he is, but I was just wondering if you forgot his last name or were making up a new one to spite him or any other strange reasons that could pop into your head! Geez have a little more faith in me than that! Oh there will be visits...

abbylucienne said...

I hold no spite-Abby is short for Abbigale, Wayne is short for Wayne Thomas. Bruce Wayne confussed most people so Wayne Thomas became my alternative nickname for set person-that's all.